Pregnancy and travelling, is it safe to travel in pregnancy

 Is travelling safe in pregnancy?

Lot of people plan for travel during pregnancy. Travel during pregnancy brings in their own concerns and anxieties. Is it safe to travel? How should I travel? Any precautions to take
so being pregnant? Does not mean that you have to be stuck up at home whether you're  planning a business trip  or taking a vacation. 

There are ways you can stay safe and healthy when traveling during pregnancy.
So is traveling safe in pregnancy?  

yes it is.

If you have a healthy pregnancy it is usually safe to travel but always talk to your doctor before planning any trip.
When is it not safe to travel during pregnancy?

So certain health conditions may not be safe or need special care during travel.
So make sure that you talk to your doctor before you plan a travel.

1. if there is any history of previous miscarriages in the previous pregnancies history of recent bleeding in this pregnancy. 

2. If your doctor has told you that you have a low-lying placenta.

3.  if you have history of premature labors in the previous pregnancies or a premature or labor in this pregnancy.

4. in case you have a history of leaking which means that your water bag leaked sometime 
back in this pregnancy and now it has stopped.

5. in case you have twin or multiple pregnancies if you have a cervical
Stitch placed.  what's a cervicalStitch?  that's a stitch which we place at the mouth of the uterus which is cervix to prevent it from opening certain heart conditions high blood pressure 
history of preeclampsia history of DVT that's deep vein thrombosis especially.

6.  if you are planning a long travel, when is the  best time to travel in pregnancy is second trimester, this is known as the Golden Field of pregnancy at this time your nausea and  vomiting have almost disappeared.  You're now pretty much settled energetic and while young 
belly is getting bigger.  It is still comfortable for you to move around during the second  trimester.  You are also less likely to have pregnancy emergencies like miscarriages 
premature labor what is the safest mode of travel.  

Safe mode of travel during pregnancy
Flight train car or ship actually all of them. 
So now let's talk about each one of them them in detail.
Flying isn't harmful for you or your baby and in all trimesters but obviously take a go ahead from your doctor before you travel. Don't worry all the air cabins are properly pressurized the 
scanners at the airport are safe and there is no danger to the mother and the baby. The chance of going into the labor is naturally higher after 37 weeks and around 32 weeks.

In case you're carrying twins, some Airlines won't let you fly towards the end of your pregnancy so check with the in Airline for the policy. 
After week 28 of the pregnancy most of the airlines ask for a letter from your doctor confirming your due date and also stating that you aren't at risk of any complications.
So do arrange for that. When you travel a long distance travel which is longer
than four hours carries a small risk of blood clots that's known as DBT deep
vein thrombosis. So let's talk about it.
What is DVT and why must I know about it.
So DVT is a condition in which a blood clot forms in the veins usually in the legs our DVT can lead to a dangerous condition called pulmonary embolism when the clot breaks from there and then travels to the lungs or maybe heart
maybe your brain. Research shows that any type of travel lasting more than four hours  whether it is by flight car train or bus doubles the risk of DVT. Being pregnant is an extra risk 
factor for DVT. Because in pregnancy the blood tends to clot faster.

So what are the tips which you should be taking during the flight
Book an aisle seat, so that you don't have to climb over other passengers when you need to get up to go to the restroom or maybe walk around take a seat towards the front of the the plane where the light feels little more smoother. Drink plenty of water. 

Do not drink carbonated drinks, such as soda. Do not eat foods such as beans they can cause gas. In fact the gas in your belly can expand at high altitudes and make you feel uncomfortable. 
Make sure that you fasten your seat belt whenever it is announced.
Getting hurt in case of turbulances. Turbulence is actually happen when the air around the flying plane causes a bumpy ride.

Obviously wear loose comfortable clothing. Move regularly every 30 minutes make sure while you're sitting also that you are flexing your ankles like, moving your toes. So make sure that there is movement in your legs and feet. 

Take a walk whenever it is safe to leave your seat.
Now all these things lower your risk of DBT which is the blood clot inside the vein. 
In case you know you're feeling sick or uncomfortable please do tell the flight attendant during the flight. It's also a good idea to buy a pair of graduated compression or support stockings from the pharmacy.

Car travel during pregnancy
Now coming to the car travel in pregnancy.
Can I drive a car? yes very much. In case you're a good driver you can definitely drive a car. 
Can I travel in a car? yes very much. If you are pregnant and traveling by car follow these tips.
Wear your seat belt even when you are in a co-driver's seat. Wear it with the cross trap between your breasts and the lab strap across your pelvis. under the bump not across the bump. 

In case of long drives try not to dry more than five or six hours per day, if you can break your trip into several days during long drive drink enough water to keep yourself well hydrated.  Wear nose fitting clothes, eat regular meals and take breaks to get out of the 
car to walk around and stretch and ask your doctor in case you should wear support stockings. 

Doing all these things can lower your risk of DBT. Tilt your seat
and move as far back as possible from the dashboard or from the steering wheel.
If you are driving make sure that you can reach the foot pedals. Road accidents are among the 
most common causes of injury in the pregnant woman.
So if you have to make a long trip do not travel solo on your own. Make sure that you are traveling with someone. You can also do some exercises in the car in case you're not driving. 

Like what I mentioned for the flight you can Flex Rotate your feet wiggle your toes or do not ever turn off your car airbags. Airbags mcan keep you and your baby always safe so that's very 
very important.
Many times people ask, can I travel to a hill station so traveling by a road in a hilly terrain is also absolutely all right but can induce motion sickness nausea and vomiting so always carry 
your medicines along now coming to the train travel during Train travel during pregnancy.

Pregnancy taking the train journey 
When pregnant is actually the safest mode, when you're planning to travel more than three hours it is not risky it is not bumpy it does not cause any motion sickness does not 
increase the risk of miscarriage premature delivery. So in fact it's pretty much sitting like in your room. Now few tips once again opt for a seat on the aisle side so that you can get up and 
move around easily.

To minimize the motion sickness eat light meals and keep yourself hair well hydrated in the pregnancy. Now talking Sailing in pregnancy about sailing in pregnancy now sailing in pregnancy which is by ship or by a cruise is by and large safe except for occasional sea or motion sickness, just make sure sure that for longer boat trips or cruises 
there should be on board facilities to deal with the pregnancy and the medical services.

Most schools companies have their own restrictions and may refuse to carry heavily pregnant 
women more than 32 weeks so check their policy before your book.
So what are the red flag signs
This is when you are supposed to immediately seek a medical care during your travel.
So number one in case you have pain in your abdomen pain in the belly or any kind of cramps or any kind of contractions when you can actually feel the uterus getting tightened or
relaxed in case you have any vaginal bleeding when the blood is coming out from the vagina.
In case you notice any thin watery discharge coming from your vagina. 
In case you notice any kind of swelling in your leg or in your or maybe a pain in your leg 
severe headaches or any kind of vision problems.

So these situations when you must seek the medical care at the earliest. 
So in today's Jet base World Travel is part of our lifestyle. Pregnancy is not a contraindication to travel with proper precautions and arm with knowledge and information. 

Most of the women can travel safely well in the pregnancy. 
So wishing  you safe Journeys during
pregnancy and later.


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